Wednesday, 7 December 2016

The Central Victorian Edible Flower Superstars : B&B Basil

When we started this Edible Flower Thing a few weeks ago we were all like, "Check out the smorgasbord of edible flowers in our gardens!" Fast forward to now: we have had a handful of hot days, summer has started in ernest and pretty much all the flowers have blossomed, wilted and blown all over the yard after the wind on the weekend. How then are edible flowers something we can enjoy for longer than a couple of weeks a year?

Yep, you guessed it: a controlled hothouse environment. Can't be bothered building your own? No. Me neither.


Did you know that right here in our patch of the world we have a family run business that is supplying THE WORLD with gorgeous edible flowers and micro greens? They are making plates of food super pretty across the globe and they know a thing or two about edible flowers. Susie from B&B Basil  gave us an insight into growing edible flowers on a commercial scale for the Edible Flower Thing.

B&B Basil was started over 16 years ago by father/daughter duo Susie and George and have been going from strength to strength ever since they planted their first micro green. Running a hydroponic system, the farm is a beautifully ordered place with green houses filled with lush greens and gorgeous flowers. On the day I visited it was a bit hot and I welcomed the misty lushness as I strolled around taking pictures of the pretty flowers, their sunny little faces peering at me as I wandered about.

B&B Basil have seven varieties of edible flowers that they grow for the Australian market, and for a chef's perspective check out Edible Journey's blog post: A Trip to BB Basil.

Susie knows what's what; talk to her about the industry, the plants, the restaurants that use her plants and she will astound you with her wealth of knowledge. They use environmentally friendly methods of agriculture, solar power and alternative ways to heat their green houses and are constantly looking for ways to improve their set up. If you love the tech details Susie did a great interview here.  They have a close relationship with many restaurants including Masons who give an insight into their use of flowers and micro greens here.

The trend in Australia has been around for a while and doesn't look like slowing down. In fact it seems you will be seeing more pretty flowers on your plates, and more variety as chefs everywhere enjoy the gorgeous addition to the plates. More flower and pretty plates I say! Now I'm all encouraged to try out as many recipes as I can and to pretty up my salads and deserts with some of my own home grown flowers. The challenge in my opinion is to use our edible flowers for more than just eye-candy.

Thanks Susie and B&B Basil for showing us your business.

Our edible flower inspired tea party will be a Flowery Feast! If you'd like to come along send me an email to and I'll send you the details.

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