Sunday, 5 March 2017

Day Five of Womankind's Combat Global Warming Challenge: Jess

Get on ya bike y'all. It's super fun.

Saturdays is Dad's day with the boys and they jump into our cargo bike for the morning and head off to a park, or to visit Granny and Poppy, or go the library. 

When our second car died earlier this year we decided to get a Dutch Cargo Bike as a replacement. It was firstly a economic decision and secondly it was a lifestyle decision. We didn't use the second car that much or to travel long distances so it has worked out perfectly. Today I used the car and the boys used the bike. They did everything they would have done, just in the beautiful sunshine with toddler cries of "I loooooove downhill, Daddy" as the soundtrack. Monday it's back to me and the boys on the bike and Dad taking the car to work. We'll go visit a friend, go to the park, go to swimming lessons.

People think we're nuts. Like batshit crazy. "But what if..." is all they could say when we were floating the idea. They all wanted to find reasons that it wasn't a good idea. 

You know what it made me realise? We're all judging one another for our choices: AND THAT'S A GOOD THING. Judge away, my friends. Because if it makes you question why, or realise that perhaps that change isn't so crazy, or reflect on your values maybe that's a good thing. And settle down my kind hearted freaking out friends, we still have a car, we're just sharing it with each other. 

A bike instead of a car is fun*, and to boot it is an excellent alternative to a car which is goooooood for the planet. This good if you want to know, example one of about a billion: "Cycling 10km each way to work would save 1500kg of greenhouse gas emissions each year". 

(*ask me again in winter...) 

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