Sunday, 5 March 2017

Day Three of Womankind's Global Warming Challenge: Jess

Dear Diary/Mother Earth,

Thank you for absorbing us and accommodating our bullshit. We are like toddlers who eat only the toppings off pizza after you have gone to all the trouble of making dough from scratch, growing beautiful toppings and providing a calm environment in which to consume the pizza. I can understand if you're pissed off with us. What is it about us humans that need the best bit? What is it about us that needs more?

I went op-shopping today with my sister, she wanted a toaster and while there was one ($5 - bargain!), she didn't get it. She wants one that matches her kettle. I totally get that, we want nice things in our space that make us feel like we are getting along in life, settling for something that you don't want to look at every morning for the rest of your life is not going to spark joy. I also get that this is a uniquely first-world-middle-class kinda problem to have. We've created a self perpetuating obsession with beauty and have moved away seeing the beauty in nature and into the beauty we can consume.

I bought a rugby jumper and some spikey massage balls. Both probably unneeded but I justified it by arguing that: They won't go to landfill! They get a longer life! Second-hand buying is entirely good! Here's some more "reasons". But if I'm honest, I probably wouldn't have bought them new. Isn't that a funny thing. Perhaps I need to work on this consumerism thing.

So while we participated in the recycle movement I feel like we equally participated in the consumerism cycle. And if we're all honest, it our consumption of goods that it driving devastating outcomes for our environment.

xx Jess.

Source: Tony Futura

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