Friday, 3 March 2017

Day Two of Womankind's Combat Global Warming Challenge: Jess

Day Two: 

Leanne is outraged at her lack of active activism. I'm not surprised that my social media post about the Adani Gold Mine petition hasn't attracted many likes - social media platforms are so unreliable for spreading information - but I've put it out there on that platform and it feels like wearing my heart on my sleeve. How do you cut through the pictures of puppies, kids and food on social media to make an impact? Seriously, if someone has the answer to that please email me.

I am online every day so I thought why not find organisations in the virtual world that I can support that are doing good things that won't really change my habits too much? Here are some you might like to do too:

1. Use Ecosia as your search engine. They plant trees for every search you do. I've found their app to be just as good as the other non-tree-planting search engines.

2. Know how to recycle everything: download the Sustain Me app on your phone. Clean Up Australia endorsed, Melbourne based. They have a loooooong list of everything and how it should be recycled.

3. Get a reality check by checking your footprint: I went to WWF to see how many planets it would take if everyone lived like me: three. Two too many. What it also tells me is that food is one of the areas where my impact is heaviest.

4. I signed up to the Bendigo Sustainability Group email so now I can get local information on events and actions in my area sent to my inbox which will hopefully both remind and motivate me to be more involved.

5. Follow some zero waste bloggers for inspiration. Here's a little list to get us going: Zero Waste Bloggers

I am struck by how hard this task was. It actually takes a lot of research to find out little things like Ecosia. Such a simple tool and a great idea but what exactly do you search for? I found whenever I put in the terms like eco/environmentally friendly organisations it's mainly shops and fashion brands trying to sell me their eco products that pop up. Hmmm, consumerism is a tempting lass, I mean you couldn't possibly be eco friendly without your bamboo t-shirt and stainless steel lunch box could you.

Right, now my online world is a little better I just have to work on my real world...

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